From the film Revolver, a really great film about the Ego, and who is really in control. The Ego, "the opponent' as it is called in Kabbalah (This film was by Guy Ritchie, who is very active in Kabbalah), is the true master of most, and the elegance of the whole charade is that we don't even know it. The only way to master the Ego is to understand it as separate, to learn to make the distinction when it lies to you inside your own head and know that you are not those thoughts. You have the ability to not honor what it says. Often, doing what is uncomfortable is the way to free oneself from the slavery of the Ego- it never wants to be uncomfortable.
Watch this. If you haven't seen Revolver, I highly recommend it.
Ego, the Ultimate Chess Game
The Ego Introduces Itself to Jake- Jake Versus Ego
This scene is one of the most intense I have ever scene. For anyone who understands that without making this distinction, this scene will have a great impact.
the end of that scene, too, is brilliant. This character of Ray Liotta, which epitomizes all our manufactured reality, all that we project as having value that intrinsically doesn't, crumbles in the face of Jake's new found state of grace.
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